February is lovely, but sometimes difficult month for me, personally. So I like to surround myself with red hearts.
Leap year, almost eleven years ago, my dad had a sudden and massive heart attack that took his life immediately. I’ll never forget that day, where I was, the phone call I received, the first time I saw my mom and sister, my husband being right by my side, and the sadness in my children’s faces. Every moment is etched in my memory. Funny how that works, yesterday can seem a blur, but a moment in time so many years ago is as vivid as though you were right there seeing and feeling it all over again.
A few years ago I participated in the American Heart Association’s, Little Hats Big Hearts program. At first it was because I love making things for others, but they asked me if I was donating them in memory of someone. Oh, yes, please, in memory of my Dad! I love making those little hats. Every year every baby born in the month of February receives one of those little red hats. So, in memory of my dad, every year I get to have the honor of keeping sweet newborn babies warm. How cool is that! I think he would like it, too, and be honored by it.
The hearts remind me of love, my dad’s love for me and God’s love for me. I’m thankful for all of the memories. I still remember his face when he held his first grand baby, a boy and his namesake, his smile was at least a mile wide. Years later, I remember meeting him and my sister for lunch one day with my two-month old daughter. He lifted the blanket covering her car seat just to check that her hands were relaxed and not clenched. He wanted to be sure she was sleeping peacefully and not stressed. He cared deeply for his family, even the small things.
Surround yourself with and focus on the love of those around you right now and smile and feel the love attached to the memories of loved ones who have passed.
If you would like to join me in surrounding yourself, even a little bit, with hearts. This little heart coaster is perfect! It’s super fun to make. It’s all single crochet, tapestry style, though I didn’t carry the yarn through, I used bobbins, and dropped the yarn with color changes. I worked it up in Hobby Lobby’s, I Love this Cotton, it was the perfect weight for the size I wanted and I really love that stripy red yarn! You can follow the chart below or you can click here to purchase a pdf which includes row by row instructions.
Enjoy and crochet a little sunnshyne today!

If you enjoyed the Heart Coaster pattern, you might also enjoy the Textured Dish Cloth pattern, click here to view and purchase it in Ravelry.
Thanks foг sharing your info. I really appгeciate your efforts and I am waiting fοr your next write ups thank yоu
oncе again.
Thanks! I appreciate you saying so! I’m working on a new post now! 🙂
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