Have you ever had to put a project down only to pick it up months later and have no clue what hook you were using? Yeah, that was me on a regular basis! I’ve found myself in this place too many times to count. I’ve been brewing a solution to this dilemma for a long time, I knew the answer was stitch markers, but what style and how?! Recently I had a revelation and I’m so excited to share it with you!

I know what you’re thinking, doesn’t the pattern tell you which hook to use? Yes, it does, but I don’t always use the same hook size the pattern calls for. As a matter of fact, just recently I went down 3 hook sizes from what the pattern called for. My tension is different, I’m probably weird, but it’s true.
Tension aside, I wing many of my projects. As I write this, I have (I am somewhat ashamed to admit) six projects patiently awaiting my hooks and hands in their nice neat boxes. All that aside, I find that it takes all of 5 minutes to forget what I was just doing so remembering a hook size – not happening.
Initially we thought about using acrylic to make the letters or buying letter beads. I’ve made jewelry before, so I have the skill, I just didn’t want to devote that much time to them. Simple is good. Then recently I saw a picture of wood shapes and voila dilemma solved plus I love the look of wood!!
My husband has created and designed with leather and a bit of wood in the past, so he was excited to join me in my venture! After a few brainstorming sessions together working out design, sizing and execution, we finally had the final product planned. It’s been fun sharing this with him, he’s the best to do life with!
Enter the cutie little Letter Stitch Markers. Their job is twofold. First, they remind you of your hook size and secondly, they hold your last stitch in place, keeping your precious hours of work safely secure from unraveling. On a side note, if you don’t suffer from my same dilemma, forgetting the hook size you were working, you could have them with your initials, or your kid’s initials, or anybody’s initials!
We created leather stitch markers in sets of four or singles and wood stitch markers in sets of five (four letters and a coordinating shape) or two (one letter and a coordinating shape). As soon as we made the first one, I put it straight to work! I love them so much, they’re just so cute!!! Functional and cute all in the same tool? Yes, please!
You can check them out here in my Etsy shop, pick some up for yourself and/or for a friend, just because. Right now on Etsy, you will receive free shipping for orders over $35!
Thanks for stopping by and reading – be lovely and crochet a little sunnshyne today!
♥ Victoria

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